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World Economic History Congress di Parigi: si terrà nel 2022

Pubblichiamo il messaggio del Presidente e del Segretario Generale della IEHA sul rinvio di un anno del World Economic History Congress che avrebbe dovuto tenersi a Parigi nel 2021.
Statement on the Postponement of the Paris World Economic History Congress:
To the global economic history community: We would like to clarify some aspects of the delay of the Paris WEHC to 2022. First, our apologies for the delay in sending this communication, but certain details required confirmation prior to dissemination. We would like to thank you all for your flexibility and patience during these difficult times. Second, the Executive Council (EC) decided to move the WEHC to 2022 not because we are anticipating similar difficulties as at present. Rather, 1) it gives the Paris organizers more time to complete certain tasks that have been delayed due to the Covid-19 outbreak; 2) many international conferences were moved to 2021 which will make it rather crowded with conferences; 3) typically we would have had this year as a year of pre-conferences and preparations, this move makes our cycle of activities more “normal” in a sense; 4) travel budgets might be tight for many institutions around the world next year, due to the budgetary pressures arising from the corona responses. Thus, it made sense to move our Congress to summer of 2022. After that, we expect to resume the normal three-year cycle, and the following WEHC will take place in 2025. 
Furthermore, the EC also decided to delay the 2nd round of session proposals to September 2020. That will provide scholars some more time to put together sessions prior to the deadline. The EC will review the proposals and meet for other matters either at the end of 2020 or early 2021. In addition, we have decided to postpone all other deadlines (dissertations and posters; proposals from national organizations to replace EC members; proposals to host WEHC 2025) to 2021, with precise deadlines announced early in 2021. Thus, we will be asking the current EC members that are due to rotate off the EC to stay on for an extra year. If any have difficulty in doing so, we will consult the relevant national organization for an earlier replacement.  
We are on track to have a wonderful conference in Paris in 2022. We as an organization hope that these decisions do not inconvenience you too much. Difficult situations call for complex solutions, and we have done our best to provide them. We sincerely hope that you stay healthy and safe, and that we will see each other in the many pre-conferences in 2021 and ultimately in 2022 in Paris. 
Anne McCants, President of the IEHA
Jari Eloranta, Secretary-General of the IEHA