MIGRATION TO AND FROM EUROPE. Si tratta di dieci seminari sul tema delle migrazioni organizzati dalla professoressa Francesca Fauri presso il Corso di laurea in Scienze Internazionali e Diplomatiche
Via G. della Torre 1 – Forlì
Si comincia il 7 novembre. Di seguito il programma dei seminari che sono aperti a tutti.
7 nov. Tuesday
Room 2.2
1) Francesca Fauri (University of Bologna)
“The History of European migration in the long run”
10 nov. Friday
Room 1.4
2) Elisabetta Tonizzi (University of Genoa)
“Across the Atlantic in third class. Steam liners and travel conditions of
the Great migration 1890-1914”
13 nov. Monday
Room 3.1
3) Donatella Strangio (La Sapienza University Rome)
“Italian migration to Africa and the case of Libya”
14 nov. Tuesday
Room 2.2
4) Gloria Sanz Lafuente (Universidad Pública de Navarra)
“Spanish emigration over the long period”
20 nov. Monday
Room 3.1
5) Paolo Tedeschi (Milano Bicocca University)
“Belgian immigration since World War II”
21 nov. Tuesday
Room 2.2
6) Veena Siddharth (UNDP, The World Bank, Human Rights Watch, Oxfam
“Human rights and migrants”
24 nov. Friday
Room 1.4
7) Irene Tuzi (International Organization for Migration)
“Skills2Work: Socio-occupational inclusion of vulnerable migrants in
27 nov. Monday
Room 3.1
8) Rosa Raffaelli (European Parliament)
“The role of the EU in the current migration context”
28 nov. Tuesday
Room 2.2
9) Marco Borraccetti (University of Bologna)
“Incoherences in a coherent approach: the EU action against trafficking
in human beings”
5 dec. Tuesday
Room 2.2
10) Giancarlo Gasperoni (University of Bologna)
“Immigrant-origin youth and education